Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 125: Make Rules for Vulnerable Times

Day 125: Make Rules for Vulnerable Times

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6 Rules for Vulnerable Times

  1. Start your meal with healthy foods so you have less roof for unhealthy foods
  2. Split Entrees
  3. Don’t go to a game or concert hungry
  4. Use smaller plate for portion control
  5. Call a supporter when you feel like cheating on your diet
  6. Have a plan such as taking a walk or drinking water when you get a craving

Exercise – Which of these rules can you adopt for vulnerable times? Write it out and post it where you can see it.


I’m already doing rules 1, 3, and 4. The rule that I would like to implement is having a distraction for when I get a craving. I like the idea of going on a walk when I get a craving. I’m rarely hungry after exercising so I think taking a walk will work perfect for me. Either a walk or meditating. Meditation is good for turning off my brain when it is in overdrive. Since a craving is a temporary mental fixation I think that this is a good answer. Walking can be a form of meditation. When my environment allows it I will walk to kill cravings. If I’m unable to walk in my current environment then I will use meditation as a substitute to kill cravings.

Author – Brian Ahlering

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