Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 126: Brain Warrior Sherry and Investigating Setbacks

Day 126: Brain Warrior Sherry and Investigating Setbacks


HALT is an acronym for hungry, angry, lonely and/or tired. When we are in a HALT state we are more likely to make poor dietary decisions. When we are hungry we have reduced blood sugar. Anger causes decreased cerebral blood flow. Loneliness causes us to seek comfort in food and substances. Tiredness lowers blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. When you are in a HALT state STOP and think about what negative effects succumbing to it will have down the road and make do a brain healthy practice to resolve the issue. If you are hungry eat a healthy snack. Breathing exercises can help with anger. A healthy meal will keep comfort food craving at bay and when tired avoid environmental triggers like driving past fast food restaurants

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Exercise – When is the last time you felt hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? How did it impact your choices?


Two days ago I was pretty tired. I like to keep oranges and a bag of trail mix in the car when I get hungry on the road. Sometimes I just get so tired that I don’t want to seek and walk into out a grocery store or healthy restaurant. Having convenient healthy and satiating snacks nearby helps me avoid the drive-thru.

Author – Brian Ahlering

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