Don’t let the past haunt the present. Use these 4 steps to heal past emotional traumas.
- When was the last time you struggled with the behavior
- What were you thinking or feeling at the time
- Go back to a time when you first had that thought or feeling and ask if there may be a connection
- If you find the origin of the feelings disconnect them by reprocessing them through an adult mindset

Exercise – Remember a recent time you were upset or triggered and use these 4 steps to disconnect from the past.
I can say the behavior is probably getting irritable over things that I can not control but I don’t know what the root cause is. The only thing I can think of is general and not specific. I was the youngest child of three so I think I probably have a sense of being unheard or that my opinion is not valuable. I can say that this does play into me being shy or reserved and internalizing my feelings.
The most recent time I was upset was when talking to American National Insurance. They have been apathetic at best when helping me deal with my stolen car. I definitely feel unheard and ignored when I talk to them. It makes me want to yell but I do restain that feeling I deal politely but firmly, but after talking with them I had to take a nap. This happened 2 days in a row.
I can think of times when my opinion was asked my opinion and my opinion was rejected. This feeling is why I think I struggle with decision making to this day. I’m not immediately drawing connections to specific times in the past, but I’ll be on the lookout and try to use these 4 steps to disconnect.
Author – Brian Ahlering