Resilient people develop a TLC mindset. They can view crisis’ as temporary, local, and that they have some sense of control over the variables in the situation. People that crumble in crisis’ see the same situation as permanent, global, and as themselves as a victim. A resilient person does not spin themselves out on problems that are unactionable.

Exercise – Say the serenity prayer 3 times today.
I can do that. The serenity prayer is a powerful tool when you actually mean it. Change what you can, accept what you can’t change, and don’t drive yourself crazy trying to control things you can’t control. My insurance company is driving me bonkers on a stolen care claim and I needed to draw from the wisdom of this quote to not spin myself out on the whole situation. They won’t do anything because there is no police report. The police said the report could take 4-6 weeks to generate. The police found my car and towed it away. I don’t know where they towed it to, my insurance company is asking me to find out where it went, and the police are impossible to get a hold of. Eventually there will be a police report and then the insurance company might stop sitting on their own hands. I can’t change the insurance company and I can’t change the police department. I can either spin myself out about it or accept it.
Author – Brian Ahlering