Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 138: Healthy Ways to Deal with Pain

Day 138: Healthy Ways to Deal with Pain


Chronic pain affects everything and prolonged use of pain medication is bad for the brain. Fish oil, acupuncture, music therapy and hypnosis are alternative pain treatments that may be helpful. SAMe and curcumins supplements or Cymbalta medication may be helpful to treat both. If you doctor doesn’t recommend supplements seek out a naturopath. Artificial sweeteners may also be a cause of pain

    pain, angry, stressed, man-6771919.jpg

    Exercise – If you are struggling with pain try one or two natural strategies that can help you manage your symptoms.


    Luckily I’m not really struggling with pain. I have been seeing a chiropractor who has helped me with some chronic pain in my neck that I was kind of ignoring. Thanks Dr. McKenna! The linked chiropractic office does also offer acupuncture and message so I might give those a shot in the future.

    In addition to going to the chiropractor I’ve also upped my self care regimen. I have been getting regular pedicure which is relaxing and rejuvinativinating for my feet that I put to much torture on.

    If/when I develop greater physical and/or emotional pain I’ll definitely give the recommended supplements a try. I discontinued use on over the counter pain medicines over a decade ago because I know how bad they are on your liver. Knowing that there are alternatives in the way of natural supplements is a big win for me!

    Author – Brian Ahlering

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