Do you want 50% responsibility for your life or 100%? Responsibility is the ability to respond to circumstances. Taking responsibility for circumstances is not the same as taking the blame for circumstances. The proportion of responsibility one takes is equal to the proportion of change one is able to take over their circumstance

Exercise – Take an inventory to see if there are any areas of your life where you tend to blame others. Ask yourself what you can do in those situations to take more responsibility for how you respond and act.
There are areas of my life where I tend to blame others. Right now a situation where this happens is not coming to mind. Years ago I started taking responsibility over all my actions. Due to this change I’ve lessened my instinct to blame others however at weak points it is still there. I think the most recent one I can think of is at work. Actually work in general. I tend to let work get in the way of my focus on health. I let the stress of a recent job start packing pounds on my body.
When work gets stressful, I have a tendency to blame my boss or the leads or whatever. It drains me and then my rigorous workout routine slips. When it slips I blame the job for stressing me and making me tired.
Taking 100% responsibility for the stress would look like me doing my workouts with no excuses. The workouts make me more resilient and better able to handles stress. The better I handle it, the less drained I am. The more energy I have the easier it is mentally to get out of bed and do vigorous exercise.
I blame the stress for packing on extra pounds when in reality I should blame the stress on the extra pounds that come from taking shortcuts. By shortcuts in this scenario I mean eating out instead of cooking at home.
Author – Brian Ahlering