I know! I don’t care about your misconceptions about micro mobility and last mile vehicles. They are hands down the best way to run errands around town. I just throw my backpack on and hop on. I can get so much more done in the same amount off time. Just the other day in downtown Walnut Creek, CA I needed to run to the bank, grab a snack at Whole Foods and then meet up at Philz coffee shop. The bank, Whole Foods, and Philz are all just a little more than walking distance from each other. In a car this means 3 times getting in and out of the car, 3 parking spots that need to be searched and paid for, and 3 times the stress.
On the electric scooter I just zip in and zip out. The trips are quick pleasurable and stress releasing as opposed to stress inducing.
So are scooters dorky? Sure the the overly stressed out cool guy in a yellow sports car a rush to be distressed about something unimportant somewhere else might think I’m a nerd. I’d rather be a laid back dork than an anxious jerk.