One of the main reasons I relocated to Walnut Creek was because its downtown area has everything I need. I was going to be walking distance from everything! At least I thought I was. The 90 second car ride to downtown from my house made me feel like everything was at my doorstep. In my head I’d be stepping out to Whole foods to get groceries, sauntering to Broadway Plaza for Thursday Night Concerts, and strolling back from a big haul at Sunday’s Farmers Market. In reality the mile plus trip to the nearest store meant I was not walking distance to anything.
At least I wasn’t until I got an electric scooter. Thanks to micro mobility now I am “walking distance” from everything in Walnut Creek. On the electric scooter I’m 5 minutes away from everything that downtown has to offer. I can zip over to take in a comedy show at the Lesher Center for the Arts, scoot to the gym for Wednesday night yoga class, and dash to grab some chicken sandwiches and a brew at World Famous Hotboy’s.
Not only does micro mobility unlock everything that Walnut Creek has to offer, but it does the same for the rest of the Bay Area. In 10 minutes I can be on BART to Jack London in Oakland and cruise the Bay Trail to Brooklyn Basin for Sunday Salsa Dancing, hop off in downtown Berkeley for a Pac-12 football game at Memorial Stadium, or slide over to San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf for a bowl of Clam Chowder at Fog Harbor Fish House.
The micro mobility cheat code brings the best of the Bay Area to my doorstep without ever having to pay for parking. All I need to do is throw a lock and clipper card in my backpack, grab my scooter, and be ready to uncover another hidden gem that Northern California has to offer.