Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 133: Give Your Mind a Name

Day 133: Give Your Mind a Name


If you give your brain a name it is easier to dismiss the negative thoughts it gives you. If you have a negative thought you can just be like “Oh yeah don’t listen to that, that’s just Stan. Stan’s a little but of an asshole.” Because of our ego, It’s hard to dismiss our own thoughts but easier to do when we assign those same thoughts to a different person.


Exercise – What will you name your mind? Why?


I think I’m going with Stan because I already love saying “Don’t listen to Stan. Stan is kinda a dick.” Also when I came up with Stan I wasn’t consciously thinking about the Eminem song, but if there is someone that’s ideas should not be listened to, it’s definitely the guy in the picture. I reserve the right to change my brain name in the future but I really like Stan so far.

Author – Brian Ahlering

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