Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 128: Now Is the Only Time You Will Get Well

Day 128: Now Is the Only Time You Will Get Well


If you want to make lasting changes to your health you need to start now and you need to make things a daily practice so they become habit.

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Exercise – Look for examples of a short term mindset or insanity in your behavior. What commitment can you make today to help eliminate a mindset or behavior that leads to illness.


My biggest example of short time mindset that I can think of is I always scramble to make a dollar right now instead of slowing down and thinking creatively. By slowing down I might not make a dollar today, but it will allow me to come up with an Idea to make $5 tomorrow. I have legit reasons for why I’ve been stuck with this mindset. Things have been hectic for 2+ years but my personal life is starting to settle. Now I need to use my new found free time to exercise my creative side daily.

Author – Brian Ahlering

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