Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 143: Warning Sign Your Brain Is in Trouble: Poor Memory

Day 143: Warning Sign Your Brain Is in Trouble: Poor Memory


Age is not an excuse for poor memory. Age is correlated to declining memory, but it is not the cause. The cause of poor memory is an accumulation of toxins from poor diet. If you had a million dollar race horse would you give it junk food? Of course not. You are much more valuable than a racehorse and should treat yourself with the love and respect you would that animal.

memory and age

Exercise – Write the answer to this question. Do you treat yourself as well as an owner treats a million dollar racehorse? If not why not.


I try to treat myself this well but there is room for improvement. One of the big changes I’ve made is not being so thrifty at the store. I’ll spend the money on the more expensive product with better ingredients. The funny thing is the more expensive food probably ends up costing me less because it better fuels my body. When I eat high grade food I’m not blowing $3.50 five time a day on snacks. It also increases my productivity so much that it would be hard to assign a dollar value to it.

I’ve also began investing in self care through chiropractic and pedicures. I knew my feet were calloused around my big toes but I didn’t realize how bad the calouces on the bottom of my foot were. At this point it might be a stretch to say that removing the callouses has increased my athletic performance. What it has done has reversed the damage that has been done to them. My feet were probably an 8 of 10 on the ugly meter and they are probably a 6 now. They definitely feel better. Even if the pedicures are only adding 1% to my improvement it is worth it.

Diet and exercise has made my mind right and chiropractic and foot care have made my body feel better allowing me to exercise more contributing to increasing brain strength. The positive feedback loop of getting continuous improvement is a beautiful thing.

Author – Brian Ahlering

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