Home » Electric Lifestyle Health and Wellness » Day 142: Global Change Is Possible

Day 142: Global Change Is Possible


The Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends program was created for nutritional information in churches.

    Mind Body Disciple

    Exercise – What are you passionate about? How can you make an impact on the world? Put it into a fervent prayer or intention.


    I’m passionate about the mind body connection. The way I can make an impact on the world is by helping people one at a time getting signed up at X-Zact Fitness. The other way I’m making an impact on the is by trying to put all my knowledge, learned from others, about the mind body connection down in one place. I’ve started a website called midbodydisciple.com. The mission of the website is to compile resources for all over the internet and beyond where people can improve their lives by improving their brain through diet and exercise. I will pray on how to expand my reach at the gym and through the website.

    Author – Brian Ahlering

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