Keeping your brain young will also keep you skin young. Good health is the best defense against aging. If you are looking for the fountain of youth it’s not in plastic surgery. The fountain of youth can be found in a healthy diet and mental and physical exercise.

Exercise – Consider spending as much time and money on your brain as you do your skincare, cosmetics,and hair care.
Done. Most of my discretionary spending is already on supplements for my brain and brain healthy foods. If anything I’m starting to spend more on other self care. I’ve recently been spending on chiropractic care and nail care. I’d argue that the chiropractic is mostly brain health as it helps the efficiency of nervous system communication and lowers base level pain putting me in a better mood. Ironically following this brain healthy program open my eyes that I needed to take better care of my feet. Getting a pedicure helps keep my feet health which allows me to spend more time on the basketball court. The mani/pedi also helps my outward appearance which gives me more confidence. Arguably all of these expenses help my brain health.
Author – Brian Ahlering